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What is milk exactly?

Nikita Kryukov
The "Milk outside/inside a bag of milk outside/inside a bag of milk" (or how I'll refer to it for now with just "Milk") is a 2 game visual novel series created by Nikita Kryukov, a russian music composer who currently lives in Japan. He has worked on other titles such as "MEGALITH" and "Daiku no Medium", but Milk was the series which really took off, and for good reason. Milk's storytelling is quite impressive given that the length of both games is just short of 4 hours on a regular playthrough.

First game's story
The story of the first game is quite simple, it follows an unnamed girl (dubbed Milk-chan by the community) as we go with her to help her buy milk. While on the surface the premise is simple, delving deeper into the game we discover that the girl is plagued with a number of illnesses, most notably schizophrenia and a type of personality disorder which makes simple tasks for her very difficult.
By the end of the game, she breaks the 4th-wall, talking to us, the player, about her father and his suicide. Afterwards, the voice Note: the player and the voice are two seperate entities urges her to go back home, after which she is greeted by "Mother" who then asks her if she got the milk and if the medication helped her, to which the girl responds with a simple "Yes, mom." Thus ending the first game.

Second game's story
The story of the second game is quite longer and much more compliacted when compared to the first game.The game starts off with Milk-chan going back to her room as instructed, passing the kitchen she feels a breeze which she believes is a dead corpse blowing air through the keyhole, Milk-chan tries ignoring it, but after a while she gather her courage and bursts down the door in a panic. Yet instead of a corpse the only thing which she finds is a bag of milk which she had bought earlier. She proceeds to unknowingly drink the milk, causing an allergic reaction, she then hurries back to her room at the door of which she meets her mother. Her mother proceeds to hold her still and "sniff her from head to toe", after she's done she pulls out a needle and holds Milk's arm still, stabbing her with it causing her to froth at the mouth and her vision to blur, then she is forced to promise that she will never drink milk again.
Coming into her room, she's expected to take her pills before bed, yet since she doesnt feel tired she finds a reason to not take any of them, inventing her own medicine instead. She then summons the voice to brag about what she had just made, yet the voice urges her to take her perscribed medication instead. When she does, she finds that the pain which was stopped by her own medication was now much stronger after taking her regular meds. In an attempt to regain herself, she lays down on the floor and imagines her half-formed thoughts as images on a corkboard in hopes to "see the bigger picture"

About Milk-chan
Milk-chan (the girl) is the main protagonist of the Milk series, a girl with white skin, short, brown hair, and brown/red eyes. Her clothing mostly consists of a dark-blue shirt with the letter "∅" on it, and a pair of dark grey shorts with blue slippers. While shopping however, her outfit consists of a brown hat, pink shirt, a beige coat, a red skirt and a pair of dark brown shoes information sourced from fandom wiki

As mentioned previously, she is believed to have a few mental illnesses, some basically confirmed while others only speculated. The ones which are believed to me 100% true are schizophrenia and a personality disorder, while the speculated ones are Autism, OCD. There's a small portion of people who believe she also has "erythropsia", a group of a color perception disorder called Chromatopsia, where the persons vision with it is tainted with a red hue/color

Not much is known about her early life, she doesn't have many memories, claiming to have "burnt" all of them by staring at her pictures for too long. The one thing we do know for certain though is that her relationship with her parents are very strained. Her father commited suicide, leaving her mother to care for by herself. Given all of Milk-chan's previously mentioned conditions, this wasnt an easy task. Her daughter started seeing her as a monster, a wicked creature which injects her with a "poison claw" (most likely medicine for her illnesses).

The last part of her life I'd like to highlight is her time with the web. Milk-chan was -- and most likely still is -- of the belief that nobody on the internet is real except for her, another way to summarize it is that she believed in the dead internet theory without knowing about it. One day though, she met someone, someone who she put trust into, a friend who revealed everything about themselves, convincing Milk that they were real, urging Milk to do the same. After some time she did just that, and in a sick turn of fate, the friend started a mass harrassment attack on her, probably thinking it was funny because she was strange. After that incident, it caused her to quit the internet and never touch it again, keeping her laptop rotting and dusty in the corner of the room.